Ohrevoir: The Portfolio of Hilary Sedgwick




The fit is only half the story

Fashion trends are always changing, but the way we buy clothes in-store has largely remained the same. With digital-savvy shoppers hitting the clothing racks and fitting rooms every day, we saw an opportunity to not only bring this outdated experience into the 21st century, but to leverage existing ecommerce content brands’ already own. We call it MVSE (pronounced “Muse”).

Whether it’s online or in-store, we all shop for clothing. But why do we prefer one to the other? What if we could integrate the self-serve and convenient access of online shopping with traditional in-store and in-person retailing? Mvse is our solution to merge the best of both worlds into one innovative, completely connected, three-screen fitting room experience.


Project Credits:

Creative Direction: Chris Reif
Featured Fashion Designer: Kelly Shaw



In Room Device

A touch screen mounted in a dressing room allows for a more interactive shopping experience.


Mobile Device

A mobile interface allows for the shopper to save their fitting room history as well as share their favorite items on their Facebook or Twitter account.



Staff Device

The staff devices keeps the retailer informed of their customers shopping habits as well as their needs.


Interface Illustrations

A set of various illustrations created for marketing purposes.
